Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free Write

1. I feel like my writing is not as good as some people in this class

2. That people will make fun of my writing, or they will say that I'm a horrible writer

3. That people will like my writing, and they will try to help my writing

4. The class will laugh at my writing, or talk behind my back and say that I'm a horrible writer

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Strength's and Weakness on Essay

My Weakness:
- Struggling to stick with arguements
- Show a lot of info, but not arguements
- Don't connect facts with arguement
- Paragraph organization
- Don't connect info with source
- Squash a lot of info into one paragraph

My Strength's:
- Good thesis
- Have a lot of info
- Have a good ideas don't pull them together
- Try to show arguements

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Jungle- Chapters 21-23

Chapter 21:

Now only the children are working, and that's what's keeping the family from starvation. Jurgis spends ten days to look for a job. Juozapas (Teta's crippled child) goes to a dumpster one day and starts to look for food. A rich woman walks past the dumpster and finds him there and asks what he's doing and about his life. After hearing what they've been through, she decides to follow him to their boarding house. For me personally I would be nervous in both cases. The reason why is because you don't you want to be embarrassed because of how you have to live, and the other reason why is because, you don't know how these people are living. After what the woman finds, she was devastated and told Jurgis that she is engaged to a superintendent at a steel mill, and will write him a letter of recommendation to get a job. Jurgis goes to the mill and gets a job. Jurgis doesn't come during the week because the mill is to far way from the boarding house. He only comes home on the weekends. This is sad because he's missing his son and him growing up. Antana tries to speak for the first time, and that makes Jurgis really happy. One day Jurgis comes home from work to find out that his son and last family member alive has died, he drowned in the mud in the streets. This is even worse because he's lost his whole family, and it just shows how disgusting that time period.

Chapter 22:

Jurgis leaves the house after seeing Antana's dead body, he doesn't say anything to anybody. He runs to the nearest railway crossing and jumps into a car. Jurgis tries not to think about his pain and grief. Jurgis rides into the country. He loves the clean air and space. He washes his clothes in the nearest stream. He goes to a farmer to buy food, but the farmer won't sell him any because he doesn't sell food to tramps. He runs through that farmer's farm and grabs a whole bunch of peaches. Jurgis finds another farmer and gets a place to stay and food. Jurgis does a few odd jobs here and their and stealing and lying when he isn't. Jurgis finds a job and it pays more than he's ever had. He goes and spends it's on alcohol and women in onte night.

Chapter 23:

Jurgis returns to Chicago in the winter, because it's starting to get cold. He finds a job digging underground tunnels for a railway freight. He is confident that the job will last him all winter long, so he goes and blows his money on alcohol. When he's working he breaks his arm, and has to spend Christmas in the hopspital. After about two weeks in the hospital he is ushered out. This is sad because he throwen out on the streets after he breaks his arm and he has no money. The only way he is able to stay warm is to attend church. He is mad that they are preaching to him about saving his ould. He thinks that men only "decent exsistence for their bodies".

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My response to "perks of being a wallflower" (:

I am reading “perks of being a wallflower”, I like this book so far but the part that I am at is very weird because the main character is talking about this dream he had, I’m not gonna go into detail because it’s appropriate. I think that when I read this book I will be able to keep reading because this book I actually understand and I want to keep reading.

What I get from this book so far is that this kid at the end of 8th grade he looses his best friend to suicide. He has a very hard time to get over it, he has an older brother and sister and his brother leaves for college to play football at Penn State. He misses his brother, but he says that they don’t really talk that much so he thinks it’s weird. He and sister don’t really get along. She’s a senior and she’s very mean to boys but very pretty.

He says that so far he hates high school, until he meets these two people Patrick and Sam, they are both seniors and he really likes Sam. He said one day he’s going to ask Sam out once he gets his license and his own car. I think that this is funny because he’s only 15 and he’s asking out a senior and having “weird” dreams about that girl already. The thing is he really “ asked her out” but she tells him she’s way to old for him and he just should not think about her and move on to another girl. I think that is sad but true he shouldn’t think about her because she’s a senior and the next year she’s going to be gone. So far I really like this book and can’t wait to finish it.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Summary: rest of ch. 10

In chapter 10 Douglass says that he spent his hardest times in Convey's farm. That's really sad to hear especially since he's been a slave for a while now. After Douglass beats Convey up, then Convey brags that he whipped Douglass it makes me mad that he would do that just so he can prove that he is better than everybody else. It's just sad to to see that can't even take it that he was beaten up by a slave.

When Douglass is working in the field, it's sad to see that Douglass had lost his faith in God because he feels like God has let him, the reason why is because he is a slave. When Douglass runs into the woods and finds Sandy, Sandy asks Douglass to come to his house. When Douglass starts to leave Sandy gives him a "magical root" and says that it will help you when you feel harm is coming. The next morning it is Sunday, and Douglass sees Convey and Convey seems nice. Douglass starts to think that the root is actually working. But Douglass is soon mistaken when Convey beats Douglass on Monday.

When Douglass walks into the barn Convey tries to tie Douglass up but he fights back and Convey yells for help from another slave and another slave comes but Douglass kicks that slave to the ground. So Convey yells for another slave and that slaves refuses to help. So Douglass basically fights Convey. I am glad for Douglass to stand up for himself and it's even better when Convey doesn't beat him anymore.

On January 1st,1843 Douglass is sent to work for somebody else. His name is Mr. William Freeland. Frederick thinks that Mr. Freeland is nice, but Douglass only works for him for a year then is shipped off to the ship yards. When Douglass is working there he is taunted by white people. In the shipyard workers protest to free black workers. So Gardner "Free's" the slaves, but Douglass still works there. One day Douglass gets into a fight and his left eye is nearly damaged. When Douglass goes to a lawyer he says he can not press charges because he needs a white man to speak. So Douglass goes home to recover, then Douglass has to give Gardner all of his money to him. That is basically chapter 10

Comments and Questions to rest of Ch. 10

Comment: It's good to see that Douglass wasn't beaten for the rest of his remainder as a slave
Comment: When Douglass goes to the shipyard, it's hard to hear that he nearly damages his left eye because he got into a fight

Question: Why did Convey brag that he whipped Douglass, but he never touches Douglass again?
Question:Why did the slave holders use their religion to abuse slaves?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Question & Comments-Chapters 5,6,7-Partner: Ashleigh

Chapter 5:
Question 1: Why did Colonel Lloyd suddenly gain a sense of "respect" for Frederick Douglas?
Question 2: Why was Douglass so excited that he was leaving the plantation?
Comment 1:I find it quite interesting
Comment 2: In this chapter, it was sad to see Douglass so excited because the was leaving the plantation and going to Baltimore

Chapter 6:
Question 1: Why did the mistress start to teach Douglass how to read and write in the beginning?
Question 2: Why did the mistress decide to help Douglass in the first place?
Comment 1: In this chapter I was saddened to find out that the mistress' heart started to turn to "stone"
Comment 2: I find it really sad the mistress' personality changed so much after being reprimanded  for helping Douglass to learn

Chapter 7:
Question 1:
Question 2:
Comment 1:
Comment 2: